Monday, February 14, 2011

"I wonder if it will heal even if I go to the hospital; is there any operation that heals uselessness?"

NEWS - Ichioku Sanzenman bun no Futari no Kiseki; Miracle of 2 out of 130 million people

adeh. sakit tekak.

seriously ari tk duak botol aek abis. thanks to bg afiq yg tlg supply aek sbab botol aek yg kiut ya ng agak kecik jwak. haha. brapa kali ndak ka gi toilet tek ka. ku jarang knk sakit tekak eh. jarang batok jwak. flu ng dh biasa glak. demam pun sama. p batok and sakit tekak tk ng...ntah la. bila last knk oh?

pi knek tk ng rami org x sehat. both my aunts are under quarantine. suspected influenza A ya. and my friends jwak.

klaka hal org sakit, the equation involved is anne = useless. sejujur-jujurnya mun da org sakit, anne should be the last person to be called for help. sbab ng seriously aku x tauk pa2. ngurut pun x pndey. mun stakat brik panadol ya boleh la. can't even say any nice words to calm them down. that's why mun da org sakit, even my own lun, biasanya ng i won't get involved. bkn coz ku x lalek ka, x bingong ka pa (heck. He knows how much i do everytime anything happen to my loves.) - because i'm useless, that's it.

and mun boleh xmk la ngeso uselessness ya nk oh?

i'm not healer in any way. even feelings; sweet words ain't my specialty. ku gk terer nyusah org, annoy org, "ngabis duit org", "ngecik ati dkpn", etc. pi yala. my family, my lun, my friends - i love them so f-ing damn much.

so hopefully someday, i'll graduate from being this useless. ameen.

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