Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Coz if you don't need me, then I don't need you..."

Keane - Leaving So Soon

title post tk agak xda kaitan jugak la dgn bnda ya aku nk crita. just saying. haha. persaudaraan islam; that's what i'm going to talk about.

this thing popped out time PQS. under bab 2. group mekorg {me, lun, dye, ning, farah, dzatil, mizah} dpt tajuk tk. so yala. mun da chance nk brik tazkirah ckit2 ya, why not ambik nk? maybe cara mekorg (mostly me and my Q) x brapa nk knk la, perhaps nya kcik ati ngan mekorg, i wouldn't blame her if she did. p yala. both me and lun, we never talked about it but i'm sure we are of one mind; we're sick of it. udah2 la gk. umo dh masing2 nk masok 17, boh la perange kdk 7.

p yala, the older we get, makin tinggi ego. nk ya ng mena la.

it's not like ku get along ngan suma org, x prnh klaie ngan org, x prnh x bertego. even my lun, there were time i upset her (back in form 2, sa nya) and we didn't talk for, what, 2 days? but in this case of my friends, it has been for months. and guess la reason nya pa.

a boy.

a f-ing boy, i would say mun that boy bkn kawan ku dkpn.

to me, friendship = persaudaraan. "
muslims are brothers", me doc once said. then gney ka persaudaraan antara sesama islam ya putus camya jak just sebab seorang laki? x bertego, x ber-apa gk just sbab ya? ney x ridiculous gk ya?

of course la, bnda tk bukan jadi ngan aku dkpn so view pun lain la. but then, outsider's view is the one should be taken; sbab gney2 pun, kta akn mdh dkpun betol jwak bh.

so to both kawan yg ku syg probably more than ku syg ngan sayang ku dkpn, udah2 la gk. x lmk gk abis skolah. bkn pat jumpa. "jaga hubungan ngan ALLAH, jaga hubungan ngan manusia jwak", me doc once said, time ku nk exam dlok. so jaga la hubungan sama dirik dh nk dkat SPM tk. make an effort to apologize, even bkn salah ktkorg pun. and mun dh one party molah effort nk berbait, berbait jak la. it takes two to tango; mun usaha sebelah pihak jak xpat nk improve apa2 bh lam case tk. x rugi pun bebait balit. duak2 senang ati, kwn2 sekeliling pun senang ati. kadang2 ego ya boh diekot glak. makan dirik jak.

and sometimes things make more sense if we sit back and think what actually has the other party done so wrong to us.

you know what's the difference between adults and children? adults apologize even when they're not at faults, children won't apologize even if it is their faults." - this is not my doc's; found it somewhere but for some reason bnda tk lekat dlm palak.

because it's nothing but true.

another crita. time lam saf rah dewan ari jumaat ya. da la sorang kawan yg rapat time form 1 tk notice mekorg yg rah saf dpan. she said, "
wah, kawan lamak eh!" for a moment, i was taken aback. mena, mekorg lamak x hang out. start form 2, klas dh lain2. org yg dgn hang out pun lain2. p yala, i didn't realize. dh jadi kawan lamak duhal mekorg tk. she then proceeded to salam mekorg suma, joking around. pi nya salam until lun, sbab sebelah lun was dye. "nya bkn geng aku," she said jokingly. again, i was taken aback. apa la beza pun geng x geng. sama batch jwak pun. i was speechless.

sa nk nangis.

i wasn't that good a muslim. da saudara sama islam yg ku x get along, yg ku even despise. so tgh try la tk. jaga hubungan ngan manusia. try x mk anok org, try x judge org, try x mk terumpat ka pa. InsyaALLAH.

because i'm his opposite, anyway. i'm me doc's opposite through and through. i just hope i will get to somewhere i've always dreamed of, like he does now. that will be good enough.

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