adult. sa nya aku akn define adult as org yg 20 and above. sbab 20 is the coming-of-age rah jepun nun. if it's the case, my doc will be an adult this April.
if he is one, then he's definitely not one of those rah lam post title ya.
hal advice-advice tk... is actually not my forte. aku x pnde nasihat org, mujok apatah gk. i am no good in word. malam tdk tegal nk nyampei cgek bnda, 30+ minit ku klaka. pusin pusin, ato ayat (ya jwak org ya x pndey dgr mena2), ku sa mun ku nulis surat ka emel ka dh pnjg berjela-jela (?!) dh li. mun klaka, fail.
sbab ya ku respect abis org kdk Man yg bila disoh molah speech impromptu, words ya flow kdk aek jak.
tapi gney2, nasihat ya penting la. amar ma'ruf nahi munkar ya WAJIB atas suma kta as muslim bh. kta nasihat org bkn kta rasa kta better gk; kta nasihat sbab kta harap, mun kta molah salah, org akan nasihat kta jwak. at least it's like that for me.
kdg2, bila kta nasihat org, x semestinya org akan ekot trus. jarang da org gya. sbab ya usaha nasihat-menasihati tk perlu istiqamah. and perhaps salah kta jwak. maybe kta salu molah dosa2 kecik yg molah nasihat kta x pat diterimak. oh well. i can't put this into the right words.
an extract of a message from my doc;
...Banyakkan doa utk cdak n kita smua. sntiasa muhasabah diri. Kadang2 dai'e tok boleh lupak juak yg nya ada buat kesalahan yg lebih kurang. sebab ya kadang2 kata2 kita susah nak dtrimak oleh orang yg mnerima nasihat ya. Tok teguran utk kmk juak.
Yang membolak-balikkan hati manusia tok Allah,bukan kita. jadi, kenak bersabar dlm berda'wah. usaha dan doa serta tawakkal. jgn putus asa. ...
see. he said them so well. ng dh vocab nya li. ndak la cam bez jak dgr. haha.
talking about him and his advice, marek chat ngan nya. 'cause yesterday there are so many things going in my head, and talking to him always helps. kebetulan nya online. and free sbab bruk pas abis exam and tgh winter break (jeles! ><). so klaka la hal cuti nya tek. hal cairo. and nya bkak cita hal SPM. =____= ku pdh, boh remind. nya ska remind bnda yg ku malas nk ingat. (kdak ari before ambik result PMR dlok. haha. ) nya molah mka (-.-), "don't lose your focus", pdh nya. masalah nya aku xda pun focus, gney nk ilang? haha. ya dipdh ku ngan nya; "you can't lose something you don't have, bg haziq."
side note. dgn status nya as someone yg paling lmk aku pernah da crush on, one might expect ku x brani glak nk klaka open ngan nya. surprise, he's one of those i can speak my mind to. our history began with my 'rudeness', anyway. mun nya maseh ingat. haha.
so, marek mcm2 la nya pdh. hal pressure. hal tuisyen. hal blaja. his advices are something i would drop everything else to follow, anyway. it has been like that for years and it does me good.
x smpat chat lmk, tho coz marek nk pegi ambik mak rah airport. xpa la, lak chat gk. org ya gk cuti bh. haha.
therefore, dgn ini, Anne (or rather Shafina) is so going to push all the other things out of my plate to make way for the three-letter.
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