Keane - Crystal Ball
this is the first weekend of the year.
mlm tdk ku lyn lagu keane jak. before tk ku just tauk 'somewhere only we know' someone introduced ngan ku. lagu ya nice, lirik sangat-sangat...kck? maybe that's not the best word la p ku ng ska lagu ya. then ku try dgr lagu-lagu lain cdak jwak. so mun da org mntk recommend lagu keane, sa nya ku akan recommend lagu ya la, and lagu 'crystal ball' atas ya, and 'everybody'schanging'.
okay, get to life now.
it has been a hectic week. even tho aku bkn one of those MPPs yg busy tahap lebah, stress built up from monday till friday ya ckup utk break me down on friday. mun x cyk, tyk farah. ku kol nya mlm ya, bila ku rasa dh ok ckit. nasib bait mata x kmbg la esok hari ya. da org dgr ku nangis alu soh tdo awl, takut mata ku kmbg. ng nya x mk ku nangis segal ya jak la li. =____=
pa yg stress glak oh? nk mdh study, x la jwak. coz gk lam mood 'take it easy, baby' bh, minggu tk. maybe da la private stuffs li. bak kata querida ku ya, ku bkn tauk mun ku tensen. perlu org mdh, bruk tauk. p ari Jumaat ya ng ku pat admit la; it's like a dam breaking.
ari Jumaat ya... the trigger is Man. xda, bkn aku blame nya ka pa, no. p yala, masok2 kereta, adik ku mdh "kawan ktk pengsan tdk". ku trus tauk ya Man coz ari Khamis nya pengsan jwak. ku dh ckup terkejut la the night before when I know from Dzatil yg nya pengsan; mun dh duak ari berturut-turut ya, ney x freaked out.
time dlm moto ya gk ok la. psya time mkn put nasik still abis. then emme called me mom, coz hp ku off, low bat - nya soh kol. ku kol la. klaka hal Man pa suma. pas abis kol, ku g mndk. time ya la. i think da a bunch of devils dtg dri cney ntah, soh ku imagine mcm2. mun imagine bnda bgus x jwak hal. for the first time, I hate my gift of imaginations; bnda ya cam mena2 jadi, cam ng mena dpn mata. abis shower ya ku dh plan mun me mom tyk phl mata merah ku akn pdh knk syampu.
perhaps that's how much I love him.
me mom was kinda worried tho, about Man. kept asking about him. p ku mls nk mdh pa2 glak. ku sa hal kawan, stay among kawan jak la. org tua, ntah pa la di cita ngan kwn nya lak. gk2 the likes of me mom.
nk ya one of a few la. da gk actually. kdg2 people hurt us without intending to do so, ku cayak ya. sbab ku cmya jwak bh. p yala. ku xpat mdh ku x kisah bila org nego aku. kisah ya ng kisah la. pi it's lots better than bila org lain knk tego coz aku. gk2 bila cara nego ya boleh soh org lain ya kcik ati ka pa. hal tk..ku cita ngan Farah. I should tell this right in person to org yg nego ya; usually that's what I would do. but in this case, ku sa x pyh la li. coz org ya, nya ng jenis nego org bila nya rasa org ya salah, so nya wouldn't care. ku admire nya for that, so I wouldn't say anything.
and forgive, and you will be forgiven, right?
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