Monday, March 14, 2011

"And years make everything alright..."

Keane - This is The Last Time

first of all, my prayers to Japan and its people.

ari jumaat ya x smpt baca apa2 on this. just nangga tiba2 Iwate pndey trending ndah rah Twitter. eran jwak time ya. then Mila text mdh hal tsunami+earthquake pa suma ya.

mlm tdk dh nangga la ckit how wave ya destroy pretty much everything in range. scary. ng xda cara gk nk lari dh ya. Johnny's dah anta brita mdh suma idols cdak selamat. pi dengarnya umah family Hikaru rah Sendai dh xda gk. Sendai ng dekat jwak ngan Iwata ya eh. sa nya umah Ryo rah Osaka xda pa2 la. ada la rasa quake ya li.

my dad said, cdak akan bangun balit klak, mcm they did after WWII. but it took years back then, it will as well now. they suffered so much; what with byk pelabuhan musnah cmya jak, and nuclear reactor cdak rosak jwak. boh pike hal nuclear reaction dlok la - electric power shortage ya dh cukup dh soh cgek negara huru-hara.

i would like to view this as kifarah dosa. and a way to give them hidayah jwak. the Japanese people, if anything, suit more as muslims than any other people. they got all the values a Muslim need. syg, cdak lom dpt hidayah; dakwah susah nk smpey ngan cdak. hopefully musibah tk, in a way, boleh jadi a medium untuk hidayah ya.


a quote from governor of Tokyo, Ishihara Shintaro,

The identity of the Japanese people is greed.

This tsunami represents a good opportunity to cleanse this greed, and one we must avail ourselves of.

Indeed, I think this is divine punishment.

see, they're intelligent people. too bad they don't have any religion to hold on at times like this. majority of them don't have any specific belief. they do Hatsumode (first visit to shrine) every new year, get their fortunes told and give some coins to pray at shrines, yet celebrate Christmas, wear crosses and get married churches.

my mum went as far as calling my dad and said, "pdh Siti boh gago nk blaja rah Jepon! xda mek nk suroh!" when she heard about this. well. ya cita klak. musibah gya, cney2 boleh knk. bkn rah Jepun jak. even Malaysia. bukan org Jepun jak byk molah dosa. at least x byk kes buang anak rah cnun eh. paling2 teruk cdak pun, gk pndey nk make condom. pendek kata, mun dh nama ajal, cney2 boleh mati,

tgh cuddle ngan nino atas katel pun boleh mati mun Allah ng nk ngambik balit nyawa.

next entry lak insyaALLAH aku akan share la apa yg aku dpt dri program weekend ya tek.

and i'm on my own rehab. but "get the koran"; i'll do that, too. thank you.

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